Saisonabschluss, Eintritt frei: Chris Grey & The BlueSpand

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Cosmic Dawn
(c) Lasse Skov

Saisonabschluss, Eintritt frei: Chris Grey & The BlueSpand

von Cosmic Dawn

Feinsten Blues’n’Funk und Soul aus Dänemark liefern Chris Grey & The BlueSpand und vereinen gekonnt Funk, R&B und Soul. Eine ordentliche Portion Humor und Verrücktheit darf bei einem Auftritt auf keinen Fall fehlen.
Wir sagen „Hallo Sommer“ und verabschieden uns mit unserem Saisonabschlusskonzert. Kommt nochmal rum und tanzt mit uns – der Eintritt ist frei. Juhu!

Chris Grey & The BlueSpand have seriously broken into the consciousness of music lovers with a taste for good GROOVY funk’n’soul.

Chris Grey & The BlueSpand was formed in 2011. The members Chris Grey (Lead vocal and Guitar) – Kasper „Tutte Max II“ Lauersen (Bass and vocal) and Lars „von TrommenStick“ Frimodt-Moller (Drums and vocal) didn’t meet to start a band. Their musical paths had crossed many times before, but this time the three friends just met to have fun and play whatever they felt like. A lot of crazy stuff went on. Aggression was freed by playing Rage against the machine, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chilli peppers. They tried to play songs as a scratched CD would play them. They made new crazy version of songs. For example Brown eyed girl in an african high life kinda feel, Sys Bjerre „Malene“ in versions like Polka, Hard rock, Reggae and a big wet pop ballade. Bros „When will I be famous“ and „Drop the boy“ played in funky versions (Kasper and Lars loved it while Chris almost threw up). They had so much fun, that they kept on meeting a couple of times every week and they haven’t stopped doing that yet.

Chris had been playing a lot of Blues, and the three guys started making some funky versions of the songs he had in his repertoire. Soon the word was out, and they were offered a gig. So now they were a band. So they had to have a band name. Chris had a really old van, that kept falling apart. (Check out the song „Cheap Shitty car blues“). An old shitty car is called „En gammel spand“ in danish. Directly translated that means „An old bucket“ (Bucket=Spand). So driving around in Chris‘ old „Spand“ which was blue, they came up with Blue Spand, and Chris already had a name on the blues scene in Denmark, so the obvious choice was Chris Grey & The BlueSpand.

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Einlass: 20:00 Uhr
Beginn: 21:00 Uhr




KuBa Jena
